Territory Umbro

Near us

In our neighborhood you can find these countries rich in history and traditions.


The city of pink stone on the slopes of Mount Subasio is the home of the Umbrian spirituality. The story of her great saints Francis and Clare joins the work of the most famous painters of the Middle Ages. And 'possible to start the tour from the top of the city, so as to have an easy path downhill.


Small and cozy town on the ancient street Flaminia. Do not miss the main square, surrounded by some of the jewels of the Romanesque churches of St. Michael and St. Sylvester, beautiful examples of Romanesque art umbra.Sono placed in front of the thirteenth-century Palazzo dei Consoli, inside which is the characteristic Teatro Torti.


The Nera Valley was the center of radiation of spirituality Umbra thanks to the initial groups of monks from Syria, on which it is engaged in a massive way the order founded by St. Benedict of Norcia. Along the Black River valley mingle forests, abbeys, landscapes ... and the scent of truffles.


The city is located on top of a cliff of tuff which is reached by cable car. Of Etruscan foundation, offers unparalleled artistic treasures. The Duomo, the absolute masterpiece of Italian art, is the perfect combination of architecture, sculpture, and painting of the Middle Ages. Do not miss the facade embellished with mosaics, the reliquary of the Corporal of the goldsmith's art, and the Chapel of San Brizio, with extraordinary frescoes of the Last Judgment by Luca Signorelli.


Located strategically on the ancient street Flaminia, Spoleto amazes visitors with its wealth of Romanesque churches and the remains of antique Umbrian romana.Una the main attractions is the Tower Bridge, the structure is used as a thirteenth-century aqueduct that as a walkway, was even admired by Goethe.